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Enhancing evidence informed decision making in nutrition

In the framework of the Knowledge and Research for Nutrition project of the European Commission (K&R4Nut), the Nutrition Research Facility (NRF) has conducted a range of consultations with stakeholders involved in the design of nutrition policies, programmes and interventions in low-and middle-income countries, from the European Commission, EU Member States and EU Partner Countries.

These consultations have led to the prioritisation of a number of questions for investigation. To address this wide range of evidence needs, the NRF has used various approaches, such as systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses; evaluative research; economic studies; implementation research. In parallel, the NRF has also delivered technical and statistical assistance to the M&E of EU nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programmes.

You will find on this webpage the list of research studies and M&E assignments that the NRF has conducted.

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